You have one shot at a first impression. Are you attracting or repelling?
The key to successful marketing is helping the prospect understand their before (where they are now) and after (where they could be with your product/service) state. High-impact images can help your prospects imagine themselves in that desired after state.
A great image can make them feel the speed, relaxation, confidence, pride, etc. that your business can provide.
Eric’s wide range of experience in every type of photography gives him the ability to add that WOW factor to each image with dramatic color, lighting, motion, and perspective.
Each image is carefully choreographed—often using multiple exposures for composites—and thoughtfully planned to draw the viewer into the world we create for them.
And he’s fun to work with. Several years in the wedding photography business gave Eric an appreciation for the fact that the images have to be great, but the process of getting them must be enjoyable as well.